About Horsepower For Hope

Horsepower For Hope is a tightly knit community of passionate individuals who share a love of car culture and feel it’s the perfect way to raise awareness and donations to support the Kids with Cancer Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to the children and families currently battling cancer. No one person is responsible for the event, instead it is a large committee supported by hundreds of car enthusiasts. Our goal is to create an inclusive event centered around ensuring the maximum amount of money ends up in the charity’s hands, almost our entire events are funded by donations from businesses and individuals. 

Together we've raised over $2,600,000.00 since 2019!

Check out our past events

2019  –  2020  –  2021  –  2022 –  20232024

2019: The Inaugural Show & Shine

The planning of our first event was in fact intertwined with the creation of our organization as a whole. We learned of the Kid With Cancer Society’s precarious funding position when one of their large donors switched to a higher profile charity. It was decided to put together a fundraiser centered around the amazing car community present in Edmonton. With very little time to plan, we settled on a static show and shine and called on the various businesses and other members of the community to contribute to a “family carnival” atmosphere for the event. What we ended up with was nothing short of astonishing.  

We had a very modest goal of raising $25,000 for the Kids with Cancer Society but through the amazing generosity of the car community, local businesses, and general public, we surpassed even our wildest expectations with over $86,000 raised! 

2020: Hit The Streets Rally

2021: Afterburner

2022: Amplified Tour

2023: The Fifth Year of Hope

2024: Next Level