H4H-Carnival-Wide-Transparent-Inverted 1

Saturday, July 5th, 2025

We can’t wait to see you July 5 at Horsepower for Hope’s 7th annual event CAR-nival! Sign up as a driver to participate in the rally, visit July 5 at the EXPO Centre to enjoy the fun, reach out to become a sponsor.

As a community coming together, there is so much we can do to support the Kids with Cancer Society!

Amount Raised This Year

Two ways to donate

Donate to a drivers page 

Every year, Horsepower for Hope runs a major event, and includes 100+ drivers and their awesome cars. These generous drivers are out to help raise money for the Kids with Cancer Society. If you are looking to donate to their page, click here and we’ll help you locate their page. 

Donate directly to Kids with Cancer Society

Don’t have a specific driver to sponsor? Donate directly to the Kids with Cancer Society! Thank you!


There are multiple ways you can show your support; you can register as a driver, sign up as sponsor, donate to the silent auction, make a financial donation, become a volunteer or even just liking and sharing our social media posts. Everything helps us make the event a success.  

100% of profits get donated to the society, and everyone involved with the event is a volunteer. We work hard to keep the expenses to a bare minimum, every year, our event has run with under 4% of the proceeds covering expenses. In fact, last year, thanks to our generous sponsor Altek Supply, they covered our out of pocket expenses, so every penny raised went straight to supporting the kids and their families!

ANY! We welcome all makes and models, the event is about bringing the community together to raise money not about what you drive, we love having such a wide variety of vehicles participate and always look forward to seeing what will show up.  

The rally portion of Horsepower For Hope event includes a morning of driving to several secret locations around the city of Edmonton, and the afternoon, you’ll spend at Edmonton’s Expo grounds, where you can (optionally) drive your car around our EPS hosted autocross track, and participate in an afternoon show and shine with great music and family friendly activities. Meet our sponsors, and your H4H drivers group, all supporting the KWCS!